Related research |
What the experts say |
A Robin Hood for the Lungs. University of Colorado at Boulder. pdf |
Respiratory muscles and exercice performance. University of Zurich. pdf |
Taking a metabolic time-out. Joel Achenbach. National Geographic. pdf |
Various studies. pdf |
El entrenamiento de los músculos de la respiración mejora el funcionamiento de los músculos de la natación. University at Buffalo. The State University of New York. Spanish. pdf |
Fisioterapia Respiratoria. Clínica Universitaria de Navarra. Spanish. pdf |
L'Entraînement respiratoire. Aleas Europe LC. French. pdf |
"All I can say is WOW this product from Eolos is great, I felt a change right off the bat. This product is weights for your lungs. I took 2 breaths with it right away and it felt like I had run a mile.
The device is small and easy to use, it fits into your mouth like a snorkel, sticks out about 3 inches and just twist the knob at the end of the device to increase/decrease resistance and breathe. It's that simple. I can't wait to introduce this into my regular training, why spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars with other devices that only get in your way. This is great and am surprised that more people are not using the Eolos as part of their training".
Aaron Usiskin. Triathlete. HC Fitness and Technology Solutions |
"I confess that when I discovered Eolos I was skeptical about its results. However, now I can say with confidence that it has revolutionized my training. I am very meticulous with my training program and I like to take care of all the little aspects that are sometimes overlooked when training; running is not everything. In this case, Eolos enables me to exercise my lungs while I rest, read or listen to music. It is simply great".
Raul Garcia Castan. Spain. World Subchampion and Double Champion in Spain. Mountain Race
"I am from Ceuta and I have been spearfishing for 11 years and freediving since I was 16 years old. Also I practice many other sports to obtain physical and cardiovascular conditions required in spearfishing and freediving. For about a year I've been using Eolos and besides having noticed quick results, I have actually doubled my personal records. Now I am 21 years old and I fish comfortably at 26 meters underwater with apneas of 2 1/2 minutes. In static apnea I am above the 3 1/2 minutes mark. I am still young and have lots to learn and improve, that's why I will continue using Eolos and I strongly recommend it to all sportsmen that appreciate living in good health and a strong and proper breathing, because Eolos teaches how to breathe".
Carlos Alzar Rodicio. Ceuta, Spain. Apnea diver. |
"Breathing right is unquestionably the single most important thing you can do to improve your life. It will help you to live a longer more energetic and stress-free life".
Dr. Sheldon Hendler, The Oxygen Breakthrough. |
"When isolating and training only your respiratory muscles, the diaphragm, and intercostals, you will increase both lung strength and capacity, which translates into increased oxygen uptake without beating up the rest of the body".
"One of the most impressive benefits of correct breathing is the profound relaxation it brings on, meaning it allows the athlete to maintain a high work rate while remaining calm and comfortable".
John Howard is a former Hawaii Iron Man champion, three-time cycling Olympian, multiple national cycling champion, and coach at johnhowardschool.com |
"One thing that many free divers (divers who don't use air tanks), opera singers and Lance Armstrong have in common is strong respiratory muscles, which give their lungs ample oxygen-gathering capacity. Strong lungs can make any physical endeavour, from walking up a hill to running a marathon, a little bit easier.
And there's a simple, effective tool to help develop your lungs: a lung trainer.
When used a few minutes a day, these compact resistance devices can strengthen breathing muscles and build endurance".
Roy Wallack is a writer for the Health and Fitness section of the Los Angeles Times.
"My sensations with Eolos training can't be more positive. I keep a descent physical condition in order to properly face the various cross bike competitions I enter. Nevertheless, after three weeks of training with Eolos (currently my sessions consist of one day on and off), I was gratefully surprised to see and feel how my breathing had become easier, inhaling more air into my lungs, helping me to feel less fatigued and attaining considerably better recoup times.
Different from road biking where often there are long uphills and down slopes.. descends when one can take advantage of the extra seconds to recuperate, in cross bike competitions, the surface is all flat with lots of curves and the recoup times are limited to the time that elapses between each curve. From there is the importance to achieve a faster recuperation in the short time available. Without a doubt, Eolos training has certainly helped me to achieve this objective".
Fernando Gonzalez (El Dragonet de La Vila). Vilabikes. Cross Bike Runner. La Vila Joiosa, Alicante. |